We Could Have Had It All
You. You and your broad chest which I like to lie on.
You and the scent that comes from you, even when you have not taken a shower, the scent I inhale and allow the effect hit my brain like a drug.
You with your hard yet tender arms that hold me tightly and tenderly when I sleep
You with your soft, tentative kisses that I want to last forever.
You with the look of passion in your eyes, when we are side by side, hands entwined, breathing hard and relishing the events of the last few minutes.
You with your early morning coffee breath, the kind that says you spent all night again, on your computer.
You in all the magnificence of a Greek god. You.
Me. Me and my walls crumbling every time I hold your gaze.
Me, and the tiny tingle that goes on in my lower abdomen, accompanied by a burning sensation between my thighs when I think of you.
Me with my small hands, hanging onto yours for dear life as we wade through this murky, filled-with-wild-reptiles water called life.
Me, holding onto you, hoping I can do that forever.
Me smiling so hard every time I catch you looking at me.
Me waking up before you and leaning to kiss your soft lips, knowing you will smile in your sleep, acknowledging the message of love I am trying to pass.
Me, loving you wholly, with everything I have, and everything I am.
Me, in all the imperfection of your definition of peace. Me.
Us. Together, hearts breaking we decided what was right
Us, knowing that life had other plans that did not factor us in them.
Us, getting swallowed by those murky waters and realizing that we would not work.
Us looking at our dreams and realizing that they were bigger than our feelings
Us. Giving up on our love and never looking back.
Us. Waking up in the future to realize that, we could have had it all.